Sixth form art student 2023

Values, Aims & Ethos

Our school motto translates as ‘Always striving for higher things’ which encapsulates our vision for our students and our staff.



Mr Paul Farmer, Headteacher


  • support students in achieving their academic potential and to develop as well-rounded, confident young people who can make a positive contribution now and in the future;
  • provide outstanding educational experiences and opportunities for success within the classroom, through trips, visits and a wide range of extra-curricular activities;
  • ensure that all students feel happy and safe, knowing that they are supported within a secure, caring learning environment;
  • develop individuals with a life-long understanding of how to keep themselves healthy and safe and to appreciate the benefits of an active lifestyle;
  • promote outstanding personal development opportunities for all students through a rich and varied programme of extra-curricular activities and student leadership;
  • provide leadership at all levels which inspires, motivates, challenges and supports; and
  • share our values and aspirations with parents so that we work together to achieve the best for our students.


We believe that our core purpose is to enable each student to achieve their academic potential so that they can progress to university, further education or training. We also place great value on providing a vast range of opportunities through which students experience success, develop transferable skills and learn to value team-work, creativity, commitment and resilience. We believe strongly in the benefits of extending learning beyond the classroom and support this through a wide range of trips, visits, workshops and other enrichment activities.

Our staff are well trained and our own professional development is important to us. We believe in sharing good practice and evaluating all aspects of our work in order to continue to develop and improve.  At Great Baddow High School our curriculum encapsulates our school motto ‘Always Striving for Higher Things’ enabling learners to progressively learn skills, develop qualities, understanding and knowledge to become confident, resilient, successful young adults.

Our carefully designed and broad curriculum offers balance, support and opportunity; students build on prior learning and strive to take next steps; broadening their minds, skills and developing personal qualities. The pathways we offer allow students to reach their full potential facilitating academic success in addition to developing rounded citizens who relish challenge and decision making.

We pride ourselves on the activities, trips and experiences that wrap around our curriculum and are a fundamental aspect of the educational experience our young learners have at GBHS.

We aim to inspire, excite and engage students in their learning and the world around them fostering a culture of achievement and aspiration for all.


None of the above can be achieved without a fair, consistent approach to discipline, mutual respect and an acceptance of the rules and procedures which are designed to maximise the benefits of school life for all members of the school community. In a large school it is necessary for all students, parents and staff to share an understanding that all students are expected to:

  • work hard to achieve their academic potential in class and through homework;
  • respect others and themselves;
  • attend regularly, except when ill, and be punctual;
  • wear uniform correctly;
  • be properly equipped for all lessons;
  • follow the code of conduct and accept correction without argument;
  • take advantage of the opportunities available to them; and
  • approach any teacher, group tutor or head of year with any concern that they have.

Teachers are expected to:

  • treat the students with the respect they deserve;
  • have high expectations of their students and encourage them to have high expectations of themselves;
  • maintain commitment to their own professional development; and
  • encourage students to participate in the extra-curricular life of the school.

British Values

At Great Baddow High School, we are dedicated to promoting values which ensure that our students develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility.

We prepare our students for life in Modern Britain by developing an understanding of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.These values underpin the work we do and are promoted in our Tutor time schedule, at various times throughout the school year, extending beyond the classroom with a wide range of visits and experiences.

As School Leaders and Governors, we are responsible for providing a curriculum which:

Is broad and balanced, complies with statutory requirements and provides a wide range of subjects which prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in Modern Britain.

  • Actively promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.
  • Promotes tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths, no faith and of different cultures through the effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils.
  • Is supported by a well-rounded programme of assemblies, tutor activities ('Lessons for Life') and PSHE  lessons which offer clear guidance on what is right and wrong, with opportunities for students to question, challenge, explore and reflect.