Three students in science 2023

Year 9 Options Information

As we approach the time when students begin to think about making their choices for Key Stage four options we would encourage you to look through the information provided below. Students will begin to have discussions with their tutor regarding options and careers and working both in tutor time, taking advice in lessons but also receiving careers advice in Lessons for Life.

The programme of events to help your child make informed decisions include:

Careers Fair: Thursday 27th February 2025

Virtual Parents’ Evening: Wednesday 12th March 2025 from 4pm – 7pm

Key Stage 4 Options Presentation Evening: Thursday 20th March 2025 from 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm

It is never too early to start thinking about what type of career might be of interest, the qualifications and subjects that might be helpful, and the subjects they enjoy and may be successful at. Please do not hesitate to start the conversation at home!

Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact either the subject teachers or Head of Year, or the Assistant Head of Year.

We wish you all the best for this important process and assure you of our full commitment to ensuring the best advice and guidance to you and your child.

Options Booklet

The options booklet is updated every year and provides information about the process to make options choices and details all the subjects available at KS4. A copy of the 2025 Options Booklet can be found below:

Subject Presentations

Each subject area offers a short presentation to provide more information on their subject at KS4, how students will know if the subject is right for them to take, and why they should consider taking that subject at KS4. Included are presentations for the option subjects in addition to the core subjects such as maths and English; providing an insight into the curriculum, how they will be assessed and how the subject can springboard them into the future! 
Below you will find the subject presentations which can be viewed on YouTube.

Art & Design


Computer Science

Computing Vs ICT

Design and Technology

Drama / Performing Arts


Film Studies

Food and Cookery - NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award




Modern Foreign Languages


PSHE and Careers

Physical Education / Vocational Sport

Religion, Philosophy and Ethics



Year 9 Options Date  
Options Booklet 04th Mar 2025 Download