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Careers Events

We are pleased to be able to offer our students an exciting range of Careers activities throughout the school year. Helping our students discover their next steps and preparing them for the future is one of the most important roles of any school.

Careers Meetings

As part of an on-going Careers Education and Guidance programme, students are supported to make informed choices and decisions about their futures. This includes impartial careers guidance from an Independent Careers Adviser from Directions IAG ltd.

In the summer term, Year 10 students have a short presentation on the different options available to them after Year 11 and meet with the Careers Adviser to start their research and planning. The aim is to discuss post -16 options, offer careers advice and guidance and to start researching and planning for the transition from school to further education or training.

Students will receive a Guide to Post 16 Options and complete an action plan, which they should share with their parents/carers. The Careers Advisor will see students for individual careers meetings in Year 11.

The Careers Adviser is in school on Wednesdays and Fridays and if you or your son/daughter have any questions, please email on    

Click here to view a copy of the Student Careers Guide.

Great Baddow High School Careers Fair

The Careers Fair is open to all our students to use and explore whether you are a Year 9 thinking about your GCSE options, a Year 10 or 11 thinking about your post-16 options or one of our Sixth Form students thinking about apprenticeships, higher education or joining the workforce.

There is something for everyone.

A careers fair is an event where you get to explore the world of careers. It’s a place where you can learn more about employers, universities, colleges and apprenticeship providers all in the one place. You can get lots of information and advice to help you think about what you might want to do in the future. Students can use a careers fair as a brilliant way to explore careers you might not have thought of before, while discovering all kinds of ways to get the skills and knowledge you need.