Students in corridor 2023

Governance & Financial Reports


Governors' are responsible for making sure that Great Baddow High School provides the highest possible standard of education for its pupils, with a very clear focus on raising standards of achievement.

Dan Mayman Chair of Governors Feb 2025We do this together with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school. The governors believe that a successful school requires good leadership and the commitment and cooperation of the pupils, the parents and the teaching staff all working together to get the best out of each pupil’s time at Great Baddow High School.

The governors are made up from representatives of the parents, staff and local community. We are fortunate here at Great Baddow High School to have an energetic, capable and committed group. We work together as a team, setting the school’s aims and agreeing its policies, which are designed to promote the most effective ways of teaching and learning.

We believe that it is important that a board of governors reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

We collect data on our board of governors, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. This information enables us to monitor and maintain a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

When we meet to discuss the school’s budget, staffing, pupils’ welfare or building developments on the site, we always consider what impact our decisions will have towards improving the pupils’ learning. We plan the future direction of the school; make sure the National Curriculum is taught; decide how best the school can encourage pupils’ cultural, moral and spiritual development and make sure that we provide for all our pupils. We work closely not only with the Headteacher but all members of the Leadership team and we are able to ask relevant questions, challenge recommendations where appropriate, and offer support when needed.

To help us make the best possible decisions in our meetings we involve ourselves as much as possible in school life. We do this in a variety of ways, including linking each governor with a curriculum team, visiting the school, helping to make staff appointments, meeting with the student council, attending school events and accompanying school trips. This not only makes us better informed, but it is also very rewarding and enjoyable.

The Ofsted definition of an Outstanding Governing Body is:

'Governors make a highly significant contribution to the work and direction of the school. They have high levels of insight, are extremely well organised and thorough in their approach. They are vigorous in ensuring that all pupils and staff are safe. In discharging their statutory responsibilities, they have highly robust systems for evaluating the effectiveness of their implementation, keeping the work of the school under review and acting upon their findings. Governors are innovative, flexible and adapt to new ideas quickly, supporting the work of the staff in improving outcomes for all pupils. They are confident in providing high levels of professional challenge to hold the school to account. Governors engage very effectively with parents, pupils and the staff as a whole and are well informed about users’ views of the school. They use these views to inform strategic priorities for development'.

Are you interested in becoming a Governor?

Governors do not need to have any special skills or qualifications and the Local Authority provides the necessary training. If you think you might like to become a parent governor you will need to be a parent of a pupil in the school.

We meet once a term as a full body and then individually as members of one or more of the committees which are delegated to look after specific areas of school life. The committees look at specific issues such as the school’s staffing, curriculum, finance, and premises and the Governing Body makes its decisions based on the recommendations of these committees. Governors are asked to serve on a committee where they have an interest or feel they can make a contribution.

In addition to the Governing Body, and Committee meetings, each Governor is assigned to an area of the curriculum (e.g. Science, Maths, English etc) that they visit on a regular basis reporting back to the Governing Body. There is also a time commitment in keeping up to date with the vast amount of literature that will come your way from the school, the local authority and the government.

If you would like to have an informal discussion about the role of a Governor or would be interested in applying for a position, please contact the Clerk to Governors, Mrs G Hercock

Name & Role Bio

Dan Mayman: Chair of Governors

Dan has been a Parent Governor and Community Governor at Great Baddow High School and became Chair of Governors in January 2025.

He lives in Writtle and currently his son attends Great Baddow High School. Dan is a local Independent Financial Adviser with over 25 years industry experience.

Although his career has been in financial services Dan holds an honours degree in Engineering and retains a keen interest in STEM subjects and critical thinking.


Ann Bell:

Vice Chair of Governors

Ann is a Community Governor at Great Baddow High School and is Vice Chair of Governors. As Governance Governor Ann works closely with the Chair of the governing board to ensure that the structure, new governor recruitment, induction, and development are strong features.

She is passionate about skills and employability, holds Link Governor roles of Careers and PSHE, and has also been the Safeguarding Link Governor. Ann’s background is in leadership of adult community learning organisations, secondary education and in chartered professional body management learning and accreditation.


For more information about Governors click on - National Governors Association information about the role.

To access the 'Financial Benchmarking and Insight' information for Great Baddow High School Click Here.


Mrs G Hercock, Clerk to the Governors


Correspondence Address for the Chair of Governors

Mrs G Hercock, Clerk to the Governors
Great Baddow High School
Duffield Road,
