Students in corridor 2023



It is our aim that students should develop a sense of pride in their work, behaviour and dress. Therefore, a high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students. 

  • All students are expected to come to school wearing the correct uniform at all times. 
  • All students are expected to travel to and from school wearing their uniform correctly.  
  • Unless specified, uniform must also be worn for educational visits, regardless of the time of day. Students are also expected to wear uniform when returning to school for evening events, such as curriculum information evenings, options evenings, etc. 
  • Students who come to school inappropriately dressed will be managed according to the school’s Uniform and Behaviour for Learning policies as set by the governing body. 
  • The school’s uniform policy and a uniform list are issued to all new students and both are published in full for reference on our website at 

School Uniform (Years 7-11)

Please refer to our School Uniform Policy for full details.

Blazer *

Black with school badge


Black, plain, smart, tailored (no denim or leggings)


White, no logos, in a style that allows a tie to be worn (the top button must be fastened)

School tie *

Standard tie


Black or white (no longer than knee length)


Smart formal black shoes (backless, high heels, boots, trainer styles or canvas shoes are not permitted)


Plain, flesh-coloured or black no patterns

Skirt *

All skirts should be worn at least an inch below the bottom of the knee.

Optional Uniform  


Black, v-neck with school crest. No hoodies or round neck jumpers.




A maximum of one small plain gold or silver stud earring per ear lobe. These must be removed for PE lessons. No other jewellery or piercings (including facial piercings, tongue studs or bars) are permitted. Jewellery items which break the school rules will be confiscated until the end of the half term 

Make Up Girls in Years 7 to 9 should not wear make-up and in Years 10-11 it should be discreet. Nail varnish or false nails must not be worn to school. Any fake eyelashes are not allowed. 


No extreme styles or fashion colours.

  All uniform should be clearly marked with student’s name.

Games and PE Kit

Required PE Kit
Sports College black shorts *
Sports College black skirt/shorts * (Girls Only)
Sports College white polo shirt *
Sports College rugby shirt * (Boys Only)
White ankle socks
Plain black swimming trunks/swimming costume (one piece)
Plain black football socks
Football boots
Shin pads / mouth guard

Students are required to have full PE kit for all lessons, and even if they are not physically able to take part in the lesson, they will be encouraged to take on a different role within the class to ensure that they are learning.  

Optional PE Kit 
Plain black tracksuit bottoms
Plain black sports leggings
Quarter zip top*
Quarter zip mid-layer *
Plain white or black long-sleeved thermal top
Swimming hat - girls only (£2 from the PE office)
Swimming goggles
Sports College bag *
All items should be clearly marked with the student’s name and tutor group.
PE kit should be stored in lockers except when needed. If taken to other lessons, it is the student’s responsibility to look after it.

* Where marked - the specific Great Baddow High School branded item is required which can be obtained from Schoolwear Plus or parents can consider using our pre-loved uniform shop as many items can be purchased from here: Great Baddow High School Pre-Loved Uniform Shop

To purchase new school-branded uniform contact Schoolwear Plus:
Unit 1, The Bringy Centre,
Church Street,
Great Baddow,
Essex, CM2 7JW

T: 01245 491170



Additional Information

All hair longer than collar length must be tied back for health and safety reasons in the appropriate lessons, e.g.: science, design & technology and PE. 

For Science/Design and Technology/Food Technology activities, aprons and goggles must be worn and are provided by the school.  

We advise parents to purchase shin pads and mouth guards for both boys and girls. For safety reasons students who do not wear shin pads will not be able to take part in certain activities. 

We appreciate that footwear can be an issue, particularly in bad weather.  We would recommend that in wet or extremely cold weather students wear suitable footwear and change into their school shoes immediately on arrival. Their outdoor shoes can then be stored in their lockers until the end of the day. 

To assist us in maintaining a safe and secure environment for our students, all students must always carry their ID/Diner Card.  

  • An outdoor coat may be worn for the journey to and from school but must be removed on arrival and stored in either bags or lockers. 

  • Students will need a sturdy, dark coloured, bag for carrying books, folders and equipment. Handbags or fashion bags are not suitable. 

  • Gripped socks (rubber soles) for use in drama lessons/drama clubs when in the drama studio.

Other Equipment

All students MUST carry a Responsibilities and Expectations Card and their ID/Diner Card at ALL TIMES. Lost/stolen/damaged cards should be reported and replaced. Fees may be charged in line with the school Charging Policy. 

Students must always have three pens (two black/blue and one green) and a pencil.  Students are also required to have a scientific calculator. 

Sixth Form Dress Code

We adopt a smart dress code. We expect students to be proud of their appearance and ensure that they are a role model to students lower down in the school. 

Students can wear smart trousers, smart jeans (no rips/frays) or skirts (no miniskirts). Leggings are not permitted as part of the uniform. Students can wear smart, tailored knee length shorts.

Students can wear smart shirts/blouses, polo shirts and jumpers. Round necked t-shirts and tight-fitting vest tops or tight-fitting dresses are not allowed. Tops should not be revealing. If a sweatshirt style jumper is worn, then there must be a collared shirt or polo shirt underneath this.

Hoodies and tracksuit bottoms are not allowed.

Footwear needs to be appropriate for a school environment and therefore flip-flops are not permitted.

Facial piercings are not permitted and only an ear piercing is acceptable. Tattoos are not allowed in school and if a student has had a tattoo, then it must always be covered.

Please note that if a student is not wearing appropriate attire, this will be addressed directly with the student and parent to enable the issue to be immediately resolved. Where a resolution cannot be found, the student will be sent home.  


Page Downloads Date  
Uniform Policy 13th Feb 2025 Download