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Physical Education
GBHS Students Study Physical Education to…
To develop an appreciation of the importance of physical activity.
They discover that learning is fun and competitive.
Learners learn to cope with challenge and that they may need to overcome difficulties and find solutions.
Students are encouraged to be the best at what they do and are motivated to do so.
Students become resilient and build friendships that are rooted in mutual respect.
Transferable Skills
Data Analysis
Work Ethic
Personal Motivation
Analysing Information
Written Communication
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
Extracting Important Information
Key Stage 3
Students all complete physical education lessons, which consists of four lessons over a fortnight (twice a week).
Students are taught in single gender lessons and complete a range of activities.
During each half term, students take part in two different activities for each lesson a week.
In PE all students will enjoy the range of activities on offer and the ability to work with peers in the practical setting.
We actively encourage students to think about analysing their own and others performance and to also take on various leadership roles within the subject.
Students will develop a range of skills in physical education including: appreciation of physical activity, balance, hand-eye coordination, team-work, leadership, social skills, cooperation, problem solving, understanding of rules and regulations, competence and knowledge of movement and safety and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of physical activity.
Overview of the some of the activities* that students will access: football, basketball, netball, rugby, volleyball, badminton, dance, gymnastics, trampoline, athletics, cricket, rounders, tennis, swimming, health-related fitness, sport education, outdoor education, handball.
*students will complete a range of activities during in each year, not all classes will complete the same or all activities
Key Stage 4
Students all complete core PE in Year 10 which consists of three lessons over a fortnight. They will take part in a range of practical lessons suitable and will continue to enjoy the benefits of physical education. Students continue to have core PE lessons (twice a fortnight) in Year 11. The aim is to find a sport that they might like to do as a life-long activity.
Students can also opt for GCSE PE or Vocational Sport
For GCSE PE, we follow the AQA specification where students complete 3 hours of teaching time a week. They are marked on 3 practical sports (this includes one team and one individual sport) and one piece of written coursework. The theory covers physiology and biomechanics, psychology and social issues. Students complete two external examinations at the end of the two year course and a practical moderation led by an external examiner.
For Vocational Sport students follow the Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Sport (603/7068/3).
GCSE Physical Education
In GCSE Physical Education, the AQA specification is covered. It is currently 40% practical performance and 60% examination based. It consists of two external examinations at the end of the two year course and practical performance and written coursework.
Paper 1 – The human body and movement in physical activity and sport.
What is assessed?
Applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis, physical training and use of data.
How it is assessed?
Written exam – 1 hour 15 minutes total: 78 marks 30% of GCSE.
Paper 2 – Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport.
What is assessed?
Sports psychology, socio-cultural influences, health, fitness and well-being and use of data.
How it is assessed?
Written exam – 1 hour 15 minutes total: 78 marks 30% of GCSE.
Practical performance in physical activity and sport.
What is assessed?
Practical performance in three different physical activities in the role of player/performer (one in a team, one in an individual activity and a third in either a team of in an individual activity). For each activity students will be assessed in skills in progressive drills (10 marks per activity) and in the full context (15 marks per activity).
Analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvements in one activity.
How it is assessed?
Internal assessment and external moderation total: 100 marks 40% of GCSE.
Vocational Sport
The Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Sport (603/7068/3) is for students who want to acquire sector-specific applied knowledge and skills through vocational contexts by exploring the different types and providers of sport and physical activity and the equipment and technology available for participation as part of their Key Stage 4 learning.
Study of this sector at Key Stage 4 will complement GCSE study through providing an opportunity for practical application alongside conceptual study. There are also strong opportunities for post-16 progression in this vital sector. It has been developed to:
- encourage personal development through practical participation and performance in a range of sports and exercise activities;
- give students a wider understanding and appreciation of health-related fitness, sports and exercise;
- encourage students to develop their people, communication, planning and team-working skills;
- give full-time students the opportunity to progress to other vocational qualifications, such as the BTEC Level 3, or on to A level, and, in due course, to enter employment in the sport and active leisure sector;
- give students the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life.
The new BTEC Tech Awards are a Level 2 qualification, graded at pass, merit, distinction and distinction*. For students who do not gain a full pass at Level 2, there is the opportunity to be awarded a Level 1 qualification.
The grades at BTEC are equivalent to a GCSE grade. The Level 2 distinction* is equivalent to an 8.5, Level 2 distinction to a 7, Level 2 merit to a 5.5 Level 2 pass to a 4, Level 1 distinction to a 3, Level 1 merit to a 2 and a Level 1 pass to a 1.
Students will be required to keep a log of their learning throughout the course. Students will also have to complete a number of assignments on each unit. They will need to write detailed evaluations of their projects and PowerPoint presentations as part of their homework and assignment programme.
What is assessed | How it is assessed |
Preparing participants to take part in sport and physical activity | Internally assessed – externally moderated |
Taking part and improving other participants’ sporting performance | Internally assessed – externally moderated |
Developing fitness to improve other participants’ performance in sport and physical activity |
External exam – 40% of final grade 1 ½ hour 60 marks |
Level 2 Btec in Sport (Examinations in 2022 and 2023)
For Level 2 Btec in Sport: Pupils follow the Persons Edexcel specification and complete 3 hours of teaching time a week. Students complete four units of work. One of these is an external exam, whilst the remaining three are coursework based and include presentations and training programmes.
How is it assessed?
Students carry out tasks/assignments throughout the course. These are marked by the teacher, and students receive feedback as to how they are getting on.
The assessment for Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise is an onscreen test which is marked by Pearson.
The mandatory units in this qualification ensure that all learners will develop:
Knowledge that underpins learning in other units in the qualification – Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise.
Practical and vocational skills – Unit 2: Practical Performance in Sport
Synoptic knowledge, understanding and practical vocational skills – Unit 3: Applying the Principles of Personal Training.
Optional units - Unit 6: Leading Sports Activities, learners develop sports leadership skills through delivering components of sports sessions and whole activity sessions.
Key Stage 5
Pupils can choose A Level Physical Education or Level 3 Btec Extended Diploma.
A Level Physical Education
In A Level Physical Education, the AQA specification is covered. It is currently 30% practical performance and 70% examination based. It consists of two external examinations at the end of the two year course and practical performance and written coursework.
Paper 1 - Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport.
What is assessed?
Section A - Applied anatomy and physiology (35 marks).
Section B - Skill acquisition (35 marks).
Section C - Sport and society (35 marks).
How it is assessed?
Written exam - 2 hours total: 105 marks 35% of A Level.
Paper 2 - Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport.
What is assessed?
Section A - Exercise physiology and biomechanics (35 marks).
Section B - Sports psychology (35 marks).
Section C - Sport and society and technology in sport (35 marks).
How it is assessed?
Written exam - 2 hours total: 105 marks 35% of A Level.
Practical performance in physical activity and sport.
What is assessed?
Students are assessed as a player/performer or coach in the full sided version of one activity, 15% of non - exam assessment.
Written/verbal analysis and evaluation of performance, 15% of non - exam assessment.
How it is assessed?
Internal assessment and external moderation total: 90 marks 30% of A Level.
Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma - Sport
For Level 3 BTEC we follow Persons Edexcel.
BTEC Extended Diploma in Sport and Physical Activity Development (Level 3) 27 hours a fortnight: Equivalent to 3 A Levels, the course covers areas such as:
• Fitness and training.
• Professional development in the sports industry.
• Fitness testing.
• Sport Psychology.
There are 4 externally assessed examinations and 10 coursework units.
Externally assessed examinations are :
Anatomy & Physiology (90 minute paper)
Fitness training and Programming for Health, Fitness and Sport (Supporting materials to be used in exam)
Investigating Sport and the Active Leisure Industry (Supporting materials to be used in exam)
Development and Provision of Sport and Physical Activity (Supporting materials to be used in exam)
Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development
The use of a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.
The willingness to participate in a variety of social settings, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively.
An interest in, and understanding of, the way communities and societies function at a variety of levels.
Team Captains are integral to our sports teams, liaising with everyone in our team and often having to speak and work with the opposing teams from all over the country.
Regional and national sports competitions in team games, gymnastics and athletics.
BTEC, GCSE and A Level courses explore a range of topical issues in sport.
Within many curriculum lessons you will get the chance to lead warm ups, skills practices and officiate games to enhance your social skills.
The ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and your readiness to apply this understanding in your own lives.
Understanding the consequences of your actions.
An interest in investigating, and offering reasoned views about, moral and ethical issues.
In every lesson you will have to abide by rules and regulations and sportsmanship. You already know lots about this …shaking hands after matches, applauding the opposition, fair play. Infringements such as penalties and red cards will also allow you to understand the consequences of your actions.
Concept of self-discipline to excel are essential. The only way you will achieve in sport to a high standard is if you work hard and can discipline yourself to train and apply yourself.
A willingness to participate in sporting opportunities.
Your attitude towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities.
Developing a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them.
Using your imagination and creativity in their learning.
A willingness to reflect on their experiences.
Key Stage three, dance and Gymnastics will allow you to be creative in your sequences and choreography.
Within outdoor and adventurous activities you will have the opportunity to use your imagination to solve problems.
In every block of work we do, we want you to recognise the development you have made and compare your personal games or activity experiences to others in the group or to examples of activities we might show you.
In the Invasion Games blocks you will experience games from around the world. See the most popular invasion games from America or Australia for example.
Beyond the Classroom
Students are exposed to a wide curriculum in physical education and are also encouraged to participate in the extra-curricular clubs that are offered throughout the year. Clubs take place before school, during lunch time and after school. We also regularly take part in fixtures which can be local, regional and at national level.
We are pleased to be able to offer students trip opportunities. These have included in the past, oversea sporting trips, watching elite sporting fixtures, residential trips for competitions and training. With success at national level some students also travel the country and have overnight stays when competing in competitions.
We also encourage students to take part in extra-curricular clubs with a coaching and officiating role. This is valuable experience for them and beneficial to other students.
We offer students many opportunities to be competitive and pride ourselves in the many fixtures that take place.
Important Notice: Prevention and Management of Concussion in Rugby
As rugby is participated by all year groups as part of the PE curriculum and extra-curricular programme, it is important to highlight the following information from the England Rugby website for you and your son/ daughter to have a look over.
The information and short video clip outline the important role in the prevention and management of concussion.
View Information From England Rugby About The Prevention And Management Of Concussion.