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Lessons for Life

Lessons for life website bannerGBHS Students Study Lessons for Life to… 

  • Learn how to be safe, happy, healthy and confident. 

  • Learn how to live fulfilling, successful, independent and active lives. 

  • Learn how to be active and responsible citizens within a community, striving for tolerance and showing respect for others. 

  • Learn how to set goals, achieve ambitions and develop resilience. 

Transferable Skills

  • Communication 

  • Personal Motivation 

  • Empathy  

  • Emotional Intelligence  

  • Expressing Ideas 

  • Describing Feelings 

  • Identifying Problems 

  • Teamwork 

  • Creativity 

  • Problem Solving 

  • Time Management 

  • Commercial Awareness 

  • Listening  

  • Verbal Communication 

  • Research Skills 

Lessons for Life Programme

Lessons for Life Programme 

As a student at Great Baddow High School, our aim is to fully prepare you and develop your knowledge, skills and attributes you need to keep yourself healthy and safe, and to prepare you for life and work. A range of activities across the school and curriculum areas are offered to students from year 7 -13.  

For full information about our Lessons for Life Programme please read our PSHE Programme 2024 - 2025 or contact our Head of PSHE, Mr J Faulkner:

Lessons for Life Lessons 

All Great Baddow High School student receive one hour of Lessons for Life lessons each fortnight. These lessons are taught by a teacher they will have all year and cover a range of topics and themes including personal wellbeing, economic wellbeing, careers and British values. Student also have one tutor session each week which builds on and supports the same themes being cover in their lessons. A detailed plan of the skills covered can be found in the PSHE Programme 2024-2025. 

Curriculum Overview

Lessons for Life Curriculum Overview

Beyond the Classroom


As well as timetable lessons students are provided with a wide range of extra-curricular events, talks and session throughout the year. Including but not limited to:

  • Puberty talk
  • Road safety production
  • Careers meetings
  • The drugs bus
  • Sex education talk
  • Mental health talks

Careers Sixth Sense Lectures 

All sixth form students have a termly talk from an external speaker, including independent careers advisors and guest speakers. The talks are aimed to provide students with useful information and advice on how to move forward with their post sixth form plans. 

Personal Development Day 

Every year students in year 7 – 10 get a day off timetable to have a personal development day. Each year group have a development experience tailored to their stage in school like. 

Year 7 - Celebration of Culture Day 

Year 7 take part in a special Celebration of Culture Day, as part of their Personal Development curriculum. The day is designed to build on their learning in their PD lessons and will focus on the topic of appreciating and understanding cultural diversity in the world. This year, we have decided to explore aspects of different cultures from around the world, including Africa, South America and Europe. 

Year 8 - Disability Awareness Day 

Year 8 take part in a special Diversity Day, as part of their Personal Development curriculum.  They explore issues around disability, prejudice, equality and rights.  The day is designed to build on their learning in their PD lessons and will focus on the topic of appreciating and understanding diversity in the world. 

Year 9 - Healthy minds, healthy bodies, healthy relationships, healthy decisions 

This day follows a six-session scheme of work on Sex and Relationships, where students have explored issues such as consent, contraception, STIs, abuse, sexuality, transgender issues, etc. Some of the sessions on this day pick up on issues that have arisen/questions that have been raised/ general misconceptions we’ve noticed. The exam stress and self-esteem sessions have been identified as areas of need for the year group in general, especially as they move forward into Year 10. 

Year 10 - Preparation for the Workplace 

To start our preparations for our students to enter the world of work we have a year 10 interview day. Students are not required to wear their school uniform and instead are encouraged to come in dressed to impress for their interviews with real local employers. Students have the whole day off timetable to go over polishing their CV and interview techniques. They then each get a one to one interview with a real industry employer to get first-hand experience in what a real interview will be like. Students then get feedback on how they did with pointers on how to improve before each visiting employer picks their best candidates who would get the job. 

Subject Documents Date  
PSHE Programme 04th Nov 2024 Download