Great Baddow High School - Most Popular School of Choice for Year 7 Parents in Chelmsford
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As we receive details of our new 2024 Year 7 student admissions, we are delighted to see that the upward trend in the number of students choosing GBHS as their first choice has continued this year with our school becoming the most popular school in Chelmsford.
A ‘Good’ Ofsted report is always important, and we received excellent feedback following their visit in 2022 and it endorsed the hard work, dedication and commitment that our school community has made to make Great Baddow an incredibly special place.
‘Pupils are proud to attend Great Baddow High School. They feel happy and safe as tolerance and respect are the norm.’
‘A culture of safeguarding is rooted in the school ethos.’
‘Leaders have an ambitious vision for providing pupils with a high-quality education.’
However, becoming the ‘parents school of choice in Chelmsford’ is an amazing validation that the work we do at our school offers a curriculum that stretches and challenges our students, delivers outstanding teaching and learning and that we have created a vibrant and welcoming community that parents are eager to join.
We have amazing students, wonderful staff and an important and valued partnership with parents and stakeholders that allows us to create a happy, safe and successful environment for everyone. We take pride in being the preferred secondary school for many parents, and we look forward to supporting our students’ academic adventures as they embark on this exciting next step!
Great Baddow High School was the fourth hardest in Essex to get into and the most popular in Chelmsford with 362 putting it down as a first choice with 227 of those being offered a place.
“I am really pleased to see that, once again, we have been able to offer so many pupils their parents’ preferred secondary school place this year.
“Starting secondary school is a hugely important milestone in a child’s life and I hope those embarking on this exciting next step enjoy their last few months at primary and junior school before starting their next academic adventure.”
Councillor Tony Ball, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Lifelong Learning and Employability.
Secondary School offers 2024 | Essex County Council